“It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.”  

– Samuel Adams  



In an effort to censor my writing and work as a journalist, the CIA Checchi family has played some digital voodoo to make some of these links below not work properly. You must click on these links more than once in order to get them to work. If they continue to not work after clicking on them several times, please contact me at my website https://www.crisisjournalism.com/contact, and I’ll send you any of these free books or articles in PDF format via email.

Content Warning: The writing at these links below discusses terrorist events orchestrated by the CIA Checchi family cult leaders based in California. I have been mired in a lawsuit against this CIA family network (which has been parked at the Supreme Court) since 2020. I spend my time sending emails to attorneys, judges, and politicians because they have the ability to confirm what I’m writing about is true. I understand that to the average person, some of this information sounds crazy and it is (!!!), but it’s all true. I urge you to join me and write your congressional representative and Senator to demand they take action to stop the CIA Checchi family terrorist network immediately. They are a threat to public safety and world peace.

I began writing about the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult in 2017. My books on this topic are available as Kindle Books and paperbacks at the Amazon website through this link: www.amazon.com/author/dillonwoods. My efforts in exposing the dangerous CIA Checchi family cult constitute a public service and a form of crisis journalism. As a result, my writings are freely accessible via emails I send out and through the links provided below. If you haven't yet watched my videos or read my works on this dangerous terrorist cult, you can find additional free information in the documents, videos, letters, and books uploaded to my OneDrive at the links below. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF ANY OF THESE LINKS DO NOT WORK. “SOMEONE” ONCE DEACTIVATED THE LINKS AND I HAD TO REPLACE THEM.

1. Reporting Child Abuse and CIA Abuse of Power” - This 550+ page book should be printed out and shared with leaders in every community. It comprises a substantial collection of my letters to leaders and reflections on the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult. On one level it is a journal of my legal battle in seeking justice against this extremely wealthy and well-connected CIA family. This book delves into the imminent threat to public safety and world peace posed by this dangerous Checchi family terrorist cult. Their ambitions to dismantle American democracy and hijack the American military industrial complex for their own use, is real. Their plan is to undermine democracies worldwide in their pursuit of the title 'emperor of the world.’ Their plans, strategies, and motivations for global domination are meticulously explored within these pages: 



2. "Appalled" – Is a book I wrote in 2018 and was forced to call “fiction” by then President Trump who threatened to have me arrested if I published the book, so I called it “fiction.” But it is not fiction at all, it’s all true: 



3. "To Mute or Not to Mute? That is the Question!" – Another book I was forced to call “fiction” under threats of being jailed, but it’s all true: 



4. "Eight Months in LA County Jail." – Another book I was forced to call “fiction” under threats of being arrested, but it’s all true as well: 



5. “Letter to Christian Leaders and Evangelicals.” I was raised as a Christian and was very active in the Christian community as a young man. As an older man, I’m shocked at how many Christians and Christian leaders in today’s modern world have abandoned a life of integrity, sincerity, and authenticity, and have embraced a life akin to that of a spy – a life of manipulation, deceit, and duplicity. Without question, this trend represents one of the most dangerous and subtle attacks on Christendom in its 2,000-year history. This letter reflects my concerns:



6. "Killer Broadband" is a book about the CIA Checchi family "eye testing" program which takes place on computers and televisions. The CIA Checchi family cult leaders are collecting manipulated data to fabricate “evidence” that justifies the killing of innocent, gullible, naïve people. As the internet and broadband spread into the most remote, rural communities, it is vital that citizens understand what is going on. There are grave consequences for some people who flunk this “eye testing” program – which most people don’t even know exists.


7. Video (29 minutes): “American Civil Wars.” – November 11, 2022 

at this link to Vimeo: https://www.vimeo.com/770124101   

This writing is about the secret, modern day “American Civil Wars” which has been going on in America since the 1970s. This war has been raging between the CIA Checchi family and various secret societies. Millions of people worldwide have been killed. To read more about this war, read the document at this link:  



8. Video (33 minutes): "Except as a Punishment for Crime" contains information about how the CIA Checchi family legally enslaves millions of people into their evil cult. Millions of Americans (and people who have visited America from other countries) have been secretly recorded committing a crime, which qualifies them to be secretly enslaved. The 14th amendment in America’s constitution abolishes slavery in the United States – “except as a punishment for crime.” In the case of anyone who has committed a crime, slavery is legal in the United States – even for people from other countries, who only visited America. Please take the time to watch this video which I have uploaded to Vimeo at this link:

https://vimeo.com/848103183?share=copy or at this link to my OneDrive:


Script for video is at this link:  



9. “List of Checchi Family Cult Murders” – May 17, 2022 



10. Letter to Governor Mills and Other Leaders - October 25, 2023 



11. "Supreme Court Testimony: CIA Checchi Cult Grooming Children" - May 2, 2022  



12. "CIA Checchi Family Exploiting and Abusing Students in America" - April 16, 2023 



13. "Letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts" - December 21, 2023 



14. "Letter to DC Bar Association, Investigation Request – Part One" – January 2, 2024 



15. "Letter to DC Bar Association, Investigation Request – Part Two" - January 4, 2024 



16. "Letter to Supreme Court Chief Justices" - January 8, 2024 



17. "Letter to CIA Leaders: CIA Checchi Family Drug Abuse" - February 17, 2024 



18. "Letters to Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines" – March 7-27, 2024 



19. "CIA Checchi Terrorist Cult Killing Judges & Attorneys Nationally" March 19, 2022: 
