Drug Abuse, Opioid Crisis and Mental Illness Are Destroying American Democracy


CONTENT WARNING: This writing discusses terrorist events orchestrated by the CIA Checchi family cult leaders based in California. I have been mired in a lawsuit against this CIA family network (which has been parked at the Supreme Court) since 2020. I spend my time sending emails with this writing below (and at the links at the bottom) to attorneys, judges, and politicians because they have the ability to confirm what I’m writing about is true. I understand that to the average citizen, some of this information sounds crazy and it is (!!!), but it’s all true. I urge you to join me and write your state governor, congressional representative, and senator to demand they take action to stop the CIA Checchi family terrorist network immediately. This CIA network is a threat to public safety and world peace as they orchestrate mass shootings in America and manipulate world leaders to start wars in places like Ukraine and Gaza – even orchestrating the murders of brave aid workers from the World Central Kitchen on April 1, 2024.

March 28, 2024

Dear Reader: 

I received a liberal arts education at a Christian university. As a young man I was taught to stand against injustice and evil… to stand up for what is right. No one, however, ever told me how challenging and dangerous it would be to do these things. 

My writing tells my story of exposing severe corruption of a CIA family for whom I previously worked. They killed my parents and tried to kill me at least 17 times (explained more below). I'm still here to tell my story - though it's possible my days are numbered because I've made some very powerful CIA people very, very angry by speaking/writing the truth about their corruption and abuse of power. 

Please take time to read this email and my writings attached (and at the links below). It would be a shame to sacrifice so much, and no one reads the truth I am writing about. My writing contains information you and all Americans need to know because these CIA people are trying to hijack and destroy American democracy. Today they attack me for exposing the truth. Tomorrow, they may target you or someone dear to you who acts with integrity.

The information I share in my writing is not just about my life – it’s about our democracy and the rule of law in America. Every generation must defend democratic rights and freedoms because there will always be at least one knucklehead out there who thinks he or she would make a good emperor, dictator, King, or Queen of America. 

In this case which I bring to your attention in my writing, these knuckleheads have Harvard degrees and are well connected to all the various the halls of power (Congress, Senate, White House, Supreme Court, state legislatures, etc.). They are a CIA family based in LA with a CIA badge that keeps their evil deeds and court proceedings secret – until now. The courts have given me permission - you could even say a mandate - to write about what this CIA family is doing. Make no mistake about it, what the CIA Checchi family has been doing constitutes an emergency for our country. Because these CIA people have a worldwide network, it is also an emergency for the entire world. 

For example, this CIA Checchi family was behind orchestrating the mass shooting in Russia on Friday March 22, 2024, where 133+ innocent civilians were killed. When they orchestrated this massacre, I had just written the Director of National Intelligence to complain about their massive Russian involvement – which includes possibly illegal disclosure of top secret information to the Russians. To read my letters to Director Avril Haines, "Letters to Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines" – March 7-27, 2024 https://1drv.ms/b/s!AszYNXg2gQYImwJb37Req-tqGv61?e=JZ2QDU.  

Construction of the Francis Scott Key bridge started in 1972 and concluded in 1977. Considering the sly reputation of Al Checchi as chief domestic terrorist operative at the CIA (his most famous orchestration was bringing down the World Trade Center on 9/11 as a way to manipulate President George W. Bush to create a war in the middle east – for which he could then frame President Bush as a war criminal. The Bush family has been the Checchi family’s mortal enemy since the killing of JFK. It didn’t help things when H.W. Bush became director of the CIA in 1976. Bush-Checchi family resentments seem to grow as the years move on.)  

“Key” is a Checchi family code word. It is reasonable to suspect that Al Checchi may have manipulated the engineering details of the Francis Scott Key bridge during its construction, ensuring vulnerability that a single ship strike could bring it down. The protective barriers would have to have been created in such a way that they could be evaded if the ship came at a certain angle. Targeting the one key support that held the entire bridge aloft would ensure the entire bridge would come down. This alleged plot to orchestrate a terrorist event via a design flaw suggests a potential for orchestrated terrorist acts, tailored for maximum impact by individuals with insider knowledge, such as the leaders of the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult. This is now in the past and we all saw with our own eyes how it unfolded.

Looking to the future to prevent such domestic terrorism events, we must be sober minded and clear. With the Biden administration's ambitious infrastructure plans, which include revamping roads, rails, waterway ports, and bridges across America, concerns arise over the involvement of an army of Checchi-affiliated companies being involved in the construction or repair of these infrastructure projects nationally. The fear is that these projects could be rigged with covert triggers, serving as potential tools for future acts of terrorism in roads, bridges, rails and by sea - orchestrated by the CIA Checchi family cult, long after Biden's tenure in 30 or 40 or 50 years.

Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, is by all accounts a very efficient and intelligent person overseeing these infrastructure projects. Allegedly, he is a staunch ally of the Checchi family. The fact that he is overseeing the implementation of these infrastructure projects of roads, rails, waterways, and bridges, is amplifying worries about the integrity of these projects overall. Not that Secretary Buttigieg would personally wish anyone harm or do anything intentional to harm America’s national security. But, by choosing Checchi companies to do the work on these projects… The possibility of a clandestine network, such as the CIA Checchi family cult, manipulating critical infrastructure raises profound concerns among Americans. This must be taken seriously as these projects get underway. 

The Checchi family has shown over and over that they are a threat to public safety in America and beyond. Many see that America’s infrastructure is in desperate need of repair. However, the CIA Checchi family cult leaders pose a clear and present danger to these repairs, as this push for new infrastructure could pave the way for more Checchi orchestrated domestic terrorism in the future – killing more innocent Americans. This is a national security issue that must be faced with trustworthy rigor.

As you may or may not know, there is supposed to be a new law from Congress that bans the CIA Checchi family from their activity. So far, they are ignoring that new law ban... which is consistent with their constant claim that they are above all laws and rules. "We are the exception to all laws and rules," is their mantra. The truth is: they are all very sick, mentally ill people. In this email, I explain more about this. Their insistence that they are above the law is proof they are not only a sick, dysfunctional CIA family... but it is also proof they need to be stopped by any means necessary. 

I'm not writing you as Republican or Democrat. I'm writing you as a citizen with extreme concern about the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult leaders that manipulate, blackmail, bully and bribe politicians, public servants, business leaders, education leaders, judicial leaders and more. These CIA people have started a cult filled with leaders and people who are mentally ill addicts. They promote mental illness and substance abuse among leaders and the public in general. 

In this letter I detail proof of these claims. I apologize for its length, but it’s important to be detailed when making such damning claims. Please read this entire email. If you take what I say and compare it with your own life experience, I'm sure you will understand I am speaking truth. I hope you will do all in your power to join me in exposing this corruption before is destroys American democracy and the rule of law. America has never faced such dangerous corruption from a serial killing family with CIA/military protection. American democracy is being destroyed by severe mental illness and blatant substance abuse.

According to my knowledgeable sources, the February 22, 2024, murder of a nursing student on the campus of the University of Georgia was another event orchestrated by the CIA Checchi cult. They leave clues at their crimes letting those who know how to read the clues, who coordinated the event. The CIA Checchi family cult leaders have killed many people during the last few years (more about this in my writing at the links below - especially in the first book, Reporting Child Abuse and CIA Abuse of Power, at this link: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AszYNXg2gQYImDLFyt2GWJDK12Gg?e=xMOSbh). They orchestrate murders and terrorist events to put terror and fear in the minds and hearts of people - which is the definition of a terrorist organization. This public murder in Georgia was also orchestrated in retaliation against leaders in Georgia who are standing up to the leaders of the CIA Checchi family cult. Many Democratic and Republican leaders in Georgia are upholding their oath to the Constitution and they are doing their duty: standing up to the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult leaders and holding them accountable for their prolific lawless, illegal conduct.

People with the power to stop this CIA Checchi family nonsense — including politicians, military leaders, and judicial leaders, even those at the Supreme Court — need to be encouraged to take action. Many of them find themselves ensnared in a prison of blackmail, abuse of power, and bribery, while some are victims of their own naivety or stupidity. 

As a leader, you understand the importance of education as a vital first step to any endeavor. My writing seeks to help educate people about the truth that I know and the importance of immediate action to stop the spread of this societal cancer known as the deceitful, manipulative, murderous CIA Checchi family cult. 

I need constant legal help in my case against the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult. For example, my most recent problem is that Speaker Mike Johnson is denying me court ordered money that is supposed to come to me. I thought it was illegal for politicians to interfere in court matters? Do I need to sue him to get him to stand down on this continued financial abuse? He's obviously working for the corrupt CIA Checchi family terrorist cult. This corrupt family is constantly doing things to intimidate and manipulate politicians. 

Below and attached to this email as a PDF document is my letter to military leaders: "Military-CIA Checchi Family On Duty Drug Abuse February 17, 2024". Please take time to read this important letter. It contains information you need to know. 

I am also attaching my "Letter to Legislators." I wrote to Speaker Mike Johnson, who is helping the CIA Checchi family as they seek to stop court ordered money from coming to me. I am asking for help to end this persecution so that I can receive this money soon. I am homeless and in need of serious medical and dental care. This denial of money is unjust and politically motivated. It is also a pure act of retaliation because I have been exposing CIA Checchi family crimes in my work as a journalist (more about their corruption attached to this email or at the links below)

Please take the time to read my work. I am exposing severe CIA Checchi family corruption, such as mass shootings and school shootings being orchestrated by the CIA Checchi family. For three decades they have been using taxpayer money to kill innocent Americans in these orchestrated tragedies. They have also orchestrated car "accidents" and the opioid epidemic. They kill people every day with orchestrated "accidents" and overdoses. “Since 2000, 1.1 million people have fatally overdosed in the United States, and a new study helps quantify the profound depth of suffering. According to a nationally representative survey conducted by the RAND Corporation, 42 percent of U.S. adults said they have known someone who died from drug overdose. That amounts to an estimated 125 million Americans.”https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/2-in-5-u-s-adults-say-they-know-someone-who-died-from-drug-overdose

While they attack and kill innocent Americans (who are often connected to secret society families or devout religious families), they are often drunk and high on drugs themselves while they work (more about this below). My intention is to encourage discussion and raise public awareness about the important issues facing American citizens. The CIA Checchi family cult leaders such as Kathy Checchi, Al Checchi, Adam Checchi, David Kanuth, Michael Fisher, Oprah Winfrey, former President Donald Trump, and others, wield tremendous power and they are at the root of virtually every tragedy and serious issue making headlines. They must be stopped before they further undermine American democracy and the rule of law.

Thank you for your time and consideration, 

Dillon Woods

Independent Journalist 

P.S. There are some leaders who are saying I should do as the CIA Checchi family cult leaders are demanding: go back to California and work for them. This is not only foolish to consider, but it is also illegal. Like many Americans, I am victim of severe CIA Checchi family abuse. This CIA family has been found guilty in Court of unjustly trying to kill me - attempted murder, 3 times. They have attempted to kill me 17 times, with evidence presented in Court of three attempts. They tried to blame these attempted murders on the family of LBJ and the Bush family in Texas. Victim rights must be protected for everyone: 1) The Victims’ Rights and Restitution Act (VRRA) (34 USC § 20141) and 2) The Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) (18 USC § 3771). Victims of crime orchestrated by this CIA family have the right to “receive reasonable protection" from the CIA Checchi family and protection from "persons acting in concert with or at the behest of" the CIA Checchi family. All crime victims of this CIA family deserve to be protected from this terrorist family. This is a family that thrives on vengeance. For any of us who are victims of abuse, it is unwise and foolish to consider having anything to do with this family or anyone connected to them. 



February 17, 2024

Subject: Urgent Concern Regarding Drug Use at the CIA and its Implications



Honorable Attorney General Merrick Garland and Team

Honorable Congressman Jamie Raskin / Oversight Committee

Honorable Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Honorable Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Hicks

Honorable General Brown

Honorable CIA Director Burns

Honorable DOD Inspector General

I am writing to share my deep concern regarding recent reports of drug use among government employees at the CIA. The alarming practice of allowing individuals, such as the CIA Checchi family cult leaders, to engage in drug consumption while on duty, is unprofessional and unacceptable. In my experience with this corrupt family, drugs make the Checchi family cult leaders more brazen and more insane. Even when they snort doctor prescribed Adderall*, they are out of control maniacs and a threat to national security.

Drugs are a cornerstone of the CIA Checchi cult. For over five decades, Al Checchi has rewarded his cult leaders and members with unfettered access to drugs of every kind. The Checchi cult has worked hard to make drugs like heroin, crack, ecstasy, marijuana, and cocaine legal in states like Oregon, California, Colorado, and Vermont. Since they control the sale of all street drugs like heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, crack, mushrooms, and any drug you can name… they profit financially from the promotion and sale of all drugs – including prescription drugs, since they also control many large pharmaceutical companies.

It has come to my attention that there are instances of CIA Checchi family terrorists using psychedelic substances, such as micro dosing psychedelic mushrooms, purportedly as a form of therapy for drug addiction, including cases involving addiction to heroin, crack, ecstasy, marijuana, and cocaine.

The notion of allowing government employees to consume mind-altering substances WHILE ON DUTY is not only deeply troubling but also raises significant ethical and legal questions. It is inconceivable that individuals entrusted with sensitive national security responsibilities would be permitted to engage in activities that impair their judgment and cognitive abilities. This is not only a breach of the public trust but also poses serious risks to the safety and security of our nation.

The decision to allow individuals addicted to heroin, crack, ecstasy, marijuana, or cocaine to substitute their drug of choice with psychedelic mushrooms is particularly alarming. While there may be proponents of psychedelic therapy for addiction treatment, it is reckless and irresponsible to implement such practices without proper oversight and consideration of the potential consequences. Allowing individuals to consume psychedelic mushrooms in the workplace not only normalizes drug use but also sets a dangerous precedent that undermines the integrity and professionalism of the CIA and the military.

Moreover, the argument that consuming psychedelic mushrooms is a safer alternative to heroin use is deeply flawed and ignores the potential risks and adverse effects associated with psychedelic substances. There is a lack of scientific evidence to support the efficacy of psychedelic therapy for addiction, and implementing such unproven practices within a government agency is unacceptable and unprofessional.

Furthermore, the potential for individuals under the influence of drugs to engage in criminal behavior, including acts of espionage or other misconduct, cannot be ignored. Drug use compromises individuals' ability to carry out their duties effectively and increases the likelihood of unethical and illegal conduct. Allowing government employees to engage in drug use while on duty is a clear violation of government policy and undermines the principles of accountability and integrity that are essential to the functioning of our democracy.

In light of these concerns, I urge the Department of Justice and the military to launch a thorough investigation into the prevalence of drug use (both legal and illegal drugs) with the CIA Checchi family cult leaders and to take swift and decisive action to address this issue. In my legal case against the Checchi family cult leaders, which is at the DOJ, their drug use is causing many problems – including prolific fraud, constant death threats, unjust withholding of court ordered financial compensation, and unbridled abuse of power, harassment, and retaliation.

Michael Fisher, David Kanuth, Al Checchi, Adam Checchi, Kathy Checchi, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump Sr., Donald Trump Jr., and virtually the entire Trump family are known to be regular and frequent drug users (see charts on drug use at the Trump Whitehouse below). Not only does this constant drug abuse strengthen, expand, and exacerbate their mental health illnesses (read below for more details on mental health and drug use), but it also poses a threat to America's national security by weakening their judgment and trustworthiness.

It is a fact that the Checchi family cult leaders have destroyed their own organization through prolific drug and alcohol abuse. It remains to be seen if America’s leaders will let them destroy American democracy and the Rule of Law through constant drug and alcohol abuse. It is imperative that appropriate measures be implemented to ensure that government employees adhere to the highest standards of conduct and integrity. Failure to do so not only jeopardizes national security but also erodes public trust in our government institutions and leaders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to address these serious concerns and uphold the rule of law. 


Dillon Woods

Independent Journalist

*Please note that my writing is frequently edited and improved using ChatGPT 



“Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax”



Modafinil — also known by its brand name, Provigil — wasn’t the only controlled substance that Trump officials young and old routinely acquired. ‘It was kind of like the Wild West. Things were pretty loose. Whatever someone needs, we were going to fill this,’ one source with direct knowledge of the matter recalls… The significant thing is these rules apply to everyone … except for the White House. It’s a culture of entitlement and being above the rules to the point of putting people in danger.”



“Trump White House pharmacy improperly provided drugs and misused funds, Pentagon report says”



“This is a list [copied below] of prescription medication that was ordered by the White House Medical Unit over just a 9-month period in 2019. Thousands of Ambien pills, but more importantly there were 7, yes 7 different orders of either Fentanyl, Morphine, or Ketamine. Note that this was just a clinic and didn't do any major procedures which required even moderate sedation. The real White House drug story wasn't the cocaine found under Biden, but the Fentanyl, Morphine, or Ketamine prescribed under Trump, very possibly to Trump. Note that the maximum dosage of Ambien is typically 10mg, once per day.  This would likely amount to a 3–4-year supply over an 8-month period if for one person.”

(Source: Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein)


“Also, the report says, ‘Additionally, the White House Medical Unit’s pharmaceutical management practices ineffectively used DoD funds by obtaining brand‑name medications instead of generic equivalents and increased the risk for the diversion of controlled substances.’

So taxpayers were paying for them to have the good stuff.” (Chart copied below.)

(Source: Machine Pun Kelly @KellyScaletta)


The most probable reason they wanted the brand-name medication from those pharmaceutical companies is that those companies are part of and under the control of the CIA Checchi family cult. They paid the higher prices because they wanted to give those companies business to keep the money “in the family.” Proving once again that the CIA Checchi family cult operates like a mafia organization in more ways than one. See charts below.


*According to ChatGPT, “Snorting Adderall, or any medication intended for oral use, is a form of misuse and abuse. Adderall is a prescription medication commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which are stimulant drugs. When taken orally as prescribed… it enters the bloodstream, eventually reaching the brain where it acts on neurotransmitters like dopamine… Snorting Adderall, on the other hand, bypasses the digestive system and delivers the drug directly into the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa. This method of administration can result in a more rapid onset of effects compared to oral ingestion. The drug quickly enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain, producing an intense and immediate stimulant effect… While snorting Adderall may produce effects similar to cocaine due to the shared stimulant properties of the drugs, it's important to recognize that misusing any medication in this manner is unsafe and illegal.


Could Donald Trump’s lack of speech control in the video at the link below be evidence of substance abuse? Watch the video at the link below and judge for yourself.


According to ChatGPT, “When someone is drunk or high on drugs, their ability to speak clearly and pronounce words accurately can be impaired due to the effects of the substances on their brain and nervous system.

Alcohol, for example, depresses the central nervous system, slowing down brain function and interfering with cognitive abilities, including speech. This can lead to slurred speech, difficulty in articulating words, and impaired coordination of the muscles involved in speech production.

Similarly, drugs like cannabis, opioids, or stimulants can affect different areas of the brain responsible for speech and motor control, leading to similar impairments in pronunciation and speech clarity.

Additionally, both alcohol and drugs can affect a person's judgment and inhibit their ability to monitor and control their speech, leading to further difficulties in pronunciation and communication.”


Source: Ron Filipkowski   @RonFilipkowski

“Montage of 32 clips from Trump’s two speeches March 2, 2024, where he mispronounced words, got confused, mixed up names, forgot names, and babbled insane nonsense.”




There has been a lot of talk in the early 2020s about mental health being a priority within military ranks and in society overall. The “Department of Defense Works to Dispel Stigma of Seeking Mental Health Care.” https://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Mental-Health#   

It is a scientific fact that drug and alcohol abuse have destructive effects on the brain and can drastically hurt brain function. It is a fact that constant drug use can exacerbate mental illnesses in people susceptible to mental health issues and in some instances, drug abuse can also create mental illnesses and mental health problems that were not an issue in the past.  

According to ChatGPT, “Constant hardcore drug use can exacerbate mental illnesses in individuals who are susceptible to mental health issues. Substance abuse can have significant effects on mental health, exacerbating existing conditions or triggering the onset of new ones. Here are some reasons why: 

Chemical Imbalance: Many drugs alter the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can exacerbate symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or psychosis.

Self-Medication: Some individuals may turn to drugs as a way to cope with underlying mental health issues. While drugs may provide temporary relief, they can ultimately worsen symptoms and lead to a cycle of dependence and worsening mental health.

Brain Changes: Chronic drug use can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain, which can contribute to the development or worsening of mental health disorders.

Social and Environmental Factors: Substance abuse often leads to social and environmental consequences that can exacerbate mental health issues, such as isolation, financial problems, and strained relationships.

Co-Occurring Disorders: Substance abuse and mental health disorders frequently co-occur, meaning that individuals with one condition are more likely to have the other. Treating both conditions simultaneously is crucial for long-term recovery.

It's important to note that the relationship between substance abuse and mental health is complex and can vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, environment, and the specific substances being used. However, in general, constant hardcore drug use can indeed worsen mental health issues in susceptible individuals

The onset of psychosis in individuals using substances like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamine, magic mushrooms, LSD, and other drugs is often attributed to the psychoactive effects of these substances on the brain. Each drug affects the brain differently, but they can all induce psychotic symptoms in susceptible individuals. Here's a brief overview:

Marijuana (Cannabis): The main psychoactive component of marijuana, THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), can induce psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia, particularly in high doses or in individuals predisposed to psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.

Cocaine: Cocaine use can lead to acute psychotic symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, and agitation. These effects may be related to cocaine's impact on dopamine levels in the brain and its ability to disrupt normal neurotransmitter function.

Methamphetamine: Methamphetamine use can cause psychosis characterized by paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. Methamphetamine increases the release of dopamine in the brain, which can lead to an overload of dopamine activity and contribute to the development of psychosis.

Heroin: Heroin is an opioid drug that binds to opioid receptors in the brain, causing feelings of euphoria and pain relief. Chronic use can lead to changes in brain function, including alterations in mood and cognition, which may contribute to psychotic symptoms.

Ecstasy (MDMA): MDMA primarily increases serotonin levels in the brain, leading to enhanced mood, empathy, and sociability. However, it can also cause confusion, anxiety, and hallucinations, especially in susceptible individuals or with high doses.

Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin): Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in hallucinogenic mushrooms, can induce psychosis-like effects such as altered perceptions, hallucinations, and disordered thinking. These effects are thought to be due to psilocybin's action on serotonin receptors in the brain.

LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide): LSD is a potent hallucinogen that primarily affects serotonin receptors in the brain, causing profound alterations in perception, mood, and thought. While it doesn't typically induce psychosis in most users, individuals with underlying mental health conditions may experience psychotic symptoms.

Prescription opioids: Drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl are commonly abused for their pain-relieving and euphoric effects. Chronic misuse can lead to physical dependence, addiction, and potentially psychosis.

Benzodiazepines: Drugs like Xanax, Valium, and Ativan are prescribed for anxiety and sleep disorders. Misuse can lead to sedation, confusion, and paradoxical reactions, but psychosis is less common compared to other substances.

Synthetic cannabinoids ("Spice" or "K2"): These are human-made chemicals sprayed onto plant material and smoked for their cannabis-like effects. They can be much more potent than THC and have been associated with psychosis and other severe adverse effects.

In all cases, the exact mechanisms underlying drug-induced psychosis are not fully understood, and individual responses can vary widely. However, it's believed that these substances disrupt normal brain function, particularly in areas related to perception, cognition, and emotion, leading to the manifestation of psychotic symptoms in susceptible individuals. Additionally, pre-existing vulnerabilities such as genetic predispositions or underlying mental health conditions can increase the risk of developing drug-induced psychosis.

Narcissism and Its Discontents

Narcissism is classified as a personality disorder in psychological diagnostic manuals such as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others, beginning in early adulthood and present in various contexts. Narcissism, at its core, involves an excessive preoccupation with oneself, a sense of entitlement, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While these traits can sometimes serve as coping mechanisms or defenses against underlying insecurities or vulnerabilities, they often lead to interpersonal difficulties and personal dissatisfaction.

While the exact causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder are complex and not fully understood, they likely involve a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors, as well as early life experiences such as trauma or invalidating environments. These underlying psychological mechanisms contribute to the classification of Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a mental disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder can contribute to feelings of emptiness, frustration, and loneliness for the individual, as well as strained relationships and emotional harm to others.”(ChatGPT)

In preparing to write this article, I turned to one of the leading experts on Narcissism, Dr. Romani Durvasula, who is a clinical psychologist with broad experience treating people who live with or deal with narcissism and other personality disorders. She has dedicated her life to studying this self-centered mental disorder.

One of her observations from 25 years of experience in private practice helping people with these mental disorders, is that “narcissism is the second-hand smoke of mental disorders” or some such sentiment. I can’t give you the exact quote because as I was preparing this article, her words were scrubbed from the internet (censored) by the CIA Checchi family cult leaders. They knew I was using this as an explanation of their dysfunction. “Narcissism is the second-hand smoke of mental disorders” is a significant and important observation from Dr. Ramani because it says that people who are around the narcissistic person can become mentally sick, just from being around that person. This is how the CIA Checchi family has become one of America’s most dysfunctional family systems. When I worked for the Checchi family in the middle to late 1990s it was often pointed out within the family that Al Checchi was a classic narcissist. At the time, I had no idea what this meant or the far-reaching consequences of this reality – much less how this mental illness would, over many decades, negatively and drastically effect the entire country and even the world.

Everything I do on my computer is censored by the CIA Checchi family as they seek to stop me from exposing the truth on many issues. On a regular basis they hack into my articles and books, deleting sentences and paragraphs they don’t like – things they don’t want other people to know. This issue of narcissism is one of the things they have sought to stop me from exposing because narcissism is at the root of this CIA family dysfunction.

Recent government events in 2024 have temporarily suppressed the power and influence of the CIA Checchi family. But make no mistake, the Checchi’s will work hard to regain power once the 2024 election concludes in November. It's a common experience in politics that politicians will only do what the public forces them to do if it presents a challenge. Politicians typically lack a predisposition to do what is right if it's difficult or challenges their comfort zone. In an election year, politicians have no choice but to curb obvious CIA Checchi family corruption for fear they will not be re-elected. However, once politicians are re-elected, the public has every reason to fear the return of the CIA Checchi family to power. Bribery, blackmail, and bullying are true realities in American politics, and no one executes these crimes more effectively than the CIA Checchi family. Just when you think they are gone, they'll return, rested and ready to kill, harass, retaliate, or abuse anyone who opposed them in the past.

According to ChatGPT, “Dr. Ramani Durvasula's comparison of narcissism as the "second-hand smoke of mental disorders" is a powerful analogy that highlights the pervasive and often overlooked impact of narcissistic personality disorder on individuals and society, similar to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke on non-smokers.

Here's a breakdown of why this analogy is apt:

Widespread Effects: Like second-hand smoke, which can affect not only smokers but also those around them, narcissism can have far-reaching effects beyond just the individual with narcissistic personality disorder. People who interact with narcissists, whether as family members, friends, colleagues, or partners, can experience significant emotional, psychological, and sometimes even physical harm due to their behaviors.

Involuntary Exposure: Just as non-smokers may involuntarily inhale second-hand smoke in environments where smoking occurs, individuals may find themselves exposed to narcissistic behaviors and attitudes without actively seeking them out. Narcissistic individuals may impose their behaviors on others through manipulation, coercion, or simply by virtue of their social or familial relationships.

Health Risks: Second-hand smoke is known to pose health risks to non-smokers, increasing their chances of developing various health problems. Similarly, exposure to narcissistic behaviors and dynamics can have detrimental effects on mental and emotional well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other psychological issues in those affected by narcissistic personality disorder.

Social Contagion: Just as second-hand smoke can spread from one person to another in shared spaces, narcissistic behaviors and attitudes can sometimes spread through social networks, influencing the behavior of others and perpetuating a culture of narcissism. This can contribute to the normalization of unhealthy interpersonal dynamics and societal values that prioritize self-interest over empathy and cooperation.

Public Health Concern: By framing narcissism as the "second-hand smoke of mental disorders," Dr. Durvasula draws attention to the broader societal implications of narcissistic personality disorder and the need for collective action to address its impact. Just as public health campaigns have raised awareness about the dangers of smoking and promoted smoke-free environments, efforts to raise awareness about narcissism and its effects can help empower individuals to recognize and mitigate its harmful effects in their lives and communities.

Overall, Dr. Durvasula's analogy that narcissism is the "second-hand smoke of mental disorders" effectively captures the insidious nature of narcissism and underscores the importance of addressing it as a public health concern that requires collective awareness, education, and intervention.

On one level, mental illness is the poison destroying the blood that runs through the veins of American democracy. Leaders who lack courage or wisdom to confront this reality are the problem that keeps this poison running through the blood. The only question is how long can the country survive with this much poison running through its blood?


Psychopath or Sociopath | What You Need to Know


Dr. Romani – psychologist specializing in narcissism.

2 hour 23-minute video at this YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpjYtAB9i2w&list=WL&index=19

(6:30) DR. ROMANI: I work with many clients with borderline personality disorder... Obviously when you're dealing with somebody with narcissistic personality, they don't think anything is wrong. So, they're often going to think “I don't even need help.” … The folks with antisocial personality disorder also almost never seek out treatment. They get in trouble for something and then they're sometimes forced into treatment.

INTERVIEWER: Briefly describe what antisocial personality disorder is because that name is so misleading.  

DR. ROMANI: Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most important and one of the most unfortunately named diagnosis out there... Antisocial personality disorder is actually quite dangerous. It can be quite dangerous. It doesn't mean what we think. A lot of people take the anti-social to mean that these are people who don't want to be with other people. Almost as though they're socially anxious. Not at all.  The unfortunate term historically came from this idea that these were people who were anti society. They were anti the norms of society, they would break the rules of society. That was where the anti-social came from.

… Antisocial personality disorder is a pattern whereby a person not only lacks empathy, but they think the rules do not apply to them. They do not adhere to them. They break moral codes, social codes, legal codes. They have a failure to take any kind of responsibility. They're very deceitful. They exploit other people to achieve their ends. They will take risks that will put other people in danger. So, they're dangerous. They're dangerous. … you're talking about someone who lacks remorse for the bad things they do. That's where it gets scary.

(9:35) INTERVIEWER: Can they fake remorse?

DR. ROMANI: Ohh, absolutely. You can fake anything. Fake empathy. You can fake remorse. You can fake anything. And they do. They will when they're finally hauled in front of the press conference, they'll cry crocodile tears and a year later they'll do it again. That's antisocial personality disorder.  …

With narcissistic personality disorder, you know what I say about that? You're not going to see much change. And when you do, it's glacial. And the amount of change you see is often not enough for the people around them to feel like things are better. But with antisocial personality disorder, that disorder might be the most hopeless of all.

These are folks who will try to outwit and outfox a therapist, who will fake it and will often court ordered to go to therapy as a condition of parole or probation or something like that. And so, they'll sit there for 10 sessions and say I don't need to say anything, I just need to sign that document that says I came here for 10 sessions. So, you can get a lot of resistance and they can often try to intimidate that therapist. You have to be a very specially trained therapist to work with that population, particularly those who have very, very difficult criminal histories. And if you're dealing with, sort of the neat and tied up antisocial personality disorder, like the CEO variant… They're very manipulative. They can be very exploitative. Again, they will often try to outwit the therapist. They're really not motivated to change because they really, truly don't think there's anything to change.


DR. ROMANI: With something like narcissistic personality disorder, if you actually do get them to therapy, you can use a combination of some DBT techniques, but also some cognitive behavioral work, some humanistic work, rapport building, it's a lot of relationship building. You need a strong therapist to work with those clients because they will try to outfox you and so you've got to be one step ahead of them. You can't fall for their charm you have to be almost charm immune or charm proof to work with the narcissistic clients.  

… The other thing that Doctor Linehan brought into this work was a real focus on mindfulness. People with Borderline Personality Disorder tend to react instead of responding. Responding is a more thoughtful approach, reacting as like you jump right in [without thinking it through].  

… We live in a very reactive world, and especially when you think about tweeting and texting. Responding means you stop, you think “what's meaningful?”  

23:17 INTERVIEWER: What is antisocial personality disorder?  

DR. ROMANI: So antisocial personality disorder is a long-standing pattern of inability to comply with moral, legal, ethical, or social codes, or really an unwillingness to do so. These are people that are characterized by lying, deceit, malice, lack of empathy. They exploit other people. They break the law. They lack [refuse] responsibility. They don't follow through on things. They have very checkered work histories, that kind of thing. They'll use aliases. They'll put other people at risk, and they lack remorse or guilt or shame for the bad things that they do. So that's what antisocial personality disorder is. … In order for a person to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, we also have to establish they had a diagnosis of something called Conduct Disorder prior to the age of 15.

INTERVIEWER: What does it mean to be a psychopath?

DR. ROMANI: So, here's where things start getting into semantic territory. To be a psychopath, it's a term that probably ascribes best to this thing we're calling antisocial personality disorder. So, psychopath is not a diagnostic term, it's a descriptive term. It's a sociological term, but it's definitely not a diagnostic term. OK, but researchers will use it and that sort of thing. So, a psychopath is somebody who tends to be very calculating, manipulative, cunning, smart, malevolent, dangerous, exploitative. They have very little empathy. They don't really think through the consequences of their actions. They really don't care about the consequences of their actions. They break rules, ethics, laws. They violate moral codes. They're deceitful.

INTERVIEWER: But you can't be diagnosed as a psychopath?

DR. ROMANI: Yeah. So, if a person… [has] this is a long-standing pattern for them since childhood, we call it antisocial personality disorder.

27:33 INTERVIEWER: What about a sociopath?

DR. ROMANI: This is where people get very confused. OK, so psychopathy and sociopathy are very like, you know those Venn diagrams. There's a lot of overlap, but they are definitely distinct entities. The sociopath in many ways is not as glib, socially skilled, successful and manifests [himself/herself in social settings] as well put together in the way the psychopath does. The psychopath in some ways is more chilling because they have an absolute lack of empathy, and if they have a relationship with someone, it is solely exploitative. It's to get something from them: sex, money, power, connections, you name it.

The sociopath in their very unskilled way might get into a human relationship, but they still don't have any empathy. And in that relationship, they still remain very cold and still somewhat calculating, but really more cold and rejecting. The psychopath makes a better criminal. The sociopath tends to be messy, sloppy, and reactive. Your sociopath is your bar fighter. The psychopath is a person who will kill that person three days later, methodically. You see what I'm saying? So, it's like the sociopath tends to be more reactive. They tend to be more sloppy. They don't tend to be as planful. They're not as sophisticated as the psychopath who tends to be coolly efficient and in that way, almost more dangerous.

There was a book that was written called the “Mask of Sanity.” He was describing psychopaths in that book, and it was this idea that the psychopath can look sane because they actually, there's there was some research that estimates that corporate heads, like heads of major corporations of all kinds, the rates of psychopathy in those folks is 5 to 21% - depending on how you measure psychopathy.

INTERVIEWER: So, one out of five major CEO's is a psychopath?

DR. ROMANI: Yeah. Because there's all the stuff: the power drive, the willingness of that sort of ‘take no prisoners’ attitude to power, in this absolutely almost scarily surgically precise, focused way. It's very profitable.

INTERVIEWER: In preparing for this interview, I was researching the term psychopath, and it was almost, I'd say 80% of the time, correlated with serial killers. Almost like there was an interchangeable term, Like almost all serial killers are psychopaths.  

DR. ROMANI: Probably almost all of them are, because there's a precision to being a serial killer, right? Because in order to be a serial killer, you have to have killed two or more people. So, you got away with one, right? There tends to be some very stereotyped stuff around serial killing: the keeping of trophies, the taunting of law enforcement, almost getting some pride out of, like getting everyone in the world rattled and paying attention to what you're doing.

If you even think of folks like the Son of Sam or the Zodiac Killer, they were actually writing letters to the newspapers and to journalists and even to the police. Even Jack the Ripper did that. And so, it's this sense that there was something, again, very methodical and there's almost a sadistic pleasure. That they're deriving from committing these crimes. That's very much the psychopath’s game, because it's very planful. They think about it.

30:05 INTERVIEWER: I just can't believe that those people who are likely a psychopath, and perhaps one out of every five CEO’s are also a psychopath, are in the same category.

DR. ROMANI: Think about where the overlaps are. The utter lack of empathy, yeah. The precision. The singular focus, Yeah. Very similar.

According to ChatGPT, “Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While it's important to note that only a mental health professional can diagnose Narcissistic Personality Disorder, these signs are indeed commonly associated with this disorder:

Reacts to criticism with feelings of rage: Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often have fragile self-esteem and are highly sensitive to criticism. They may react with anger, defensiveness, or even rage when their perceived superiority or importance is challenged.

Takes advantage of others to achieve his or her ends: People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may exploit or manipulate others to achieve their own goals, often without regard for the well-being of those they exploit.

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance: Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder typically have an exaggerated sense of their own abilities, achievements, or importance. They may believe they are superior to others and expect special treatment or recognition.

Has fantasies of unlimited success and power: Narcissistic Personality Disorder often involves fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. Individuals with this disorder may daydream about achieving great things or being admired by others.

Has a sense of entitlement: People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often believe they are entitled to special privileges or treatment that others do not deserve. They may expect others to cater to their needs or fulfill their desires without question.

Obsessions of wanting more and more: Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may have an insatiable desire for attention, admiration, or material possessions. They may constantly seek out new sources of validation or stimulation to satisfy their needs.

Desires to be associated with people of power: Those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may seek out relationships or connections with people they perceive as powerful, influential, or high-status. They may use these relationships to bolster their own sense of importance or to gain access to resources.

Lacks empathy: Empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is often lacking in individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They may have difficulty recognizing or caring about the emotions and experiences of others.

Preoccupation with self-gratification: People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often prioritize their own needs, desires, and gratification above all else. They may engage in behaviors or pursuits solely for their own pleasure or benefit, without considering the impact on others.

Requires constant attention and adoration: Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often crave attention, admiration, and validation from others. They may seek out praise, compliments, or reassurance to feed their fragile self-esteem and maintain their sense of self-importance.

It's important to remember that while these signs are commonly associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, not everyone who exhibits some of these behaviors necessarily has the disorder. A diagnosis should only be made by a qualified mental health professional after a thorough evaluation. Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder often involves therapy, particularly approaches that focus on developing insight, empathy, and more adaptive ways of relating to others. However, individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may be resistant to seeking treatment due to their difficulty acknowledging their own faults or vulnerabilities.”



 “It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.”  

– Samuel Adams  







I began writing about the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult in 2017. My books on this topic are available as Kindle Books and paperbacks at the Amazon website through this link: www.amazon.com/author/dillonwoods. My efforts in exposing the dangerous CIA Checchi family cult constitute a public service and a form of crisis journalism. As a result, my writings are freely accessible via emails I send out and through the links provided below. If you haven't yet watched my videos or read my works on this dangerous terrorist cult, you can find additional free information in the documents, videos, letters, and books uploaded to my OneDrive at the following links: 


1. “Reporting Child Abuse and CIA Abuse of Power” - This 550+ page book should be printed out and shared with leaders in every community. It comprises a substantial collection of my letters to leaders and reflections on the CIA Checchi family terrorist cult. On one level it is a journal of my legal battle in seeking justice against this extremely wealthy and well-connected CIA family. This book delves into the imminent threat to public safety and world peace posed by this dangerous Checchi family terrorist cult. Their ambitions to dismantle American democracy and hijack the American military industrial complex for their own use, is real. Their plan is to undermine democracies worldwide in their pursuit of the title 'emperor of the world.’ Their plans, strategies, and motivations for global domination are meticulously explored within these pages: 



2. "Appalled" – Is a book I wrote in 2018 and was forced to call “fiction” by then President Trump who threatened to have me arrested if I published the book, so I called it “fiction.” But it is not fiction at all, it’s all true: 



3. "To Mute or Not to Mute? That is the Question!" – Another book I was forced to call “fiction” under threats of being jailed, but it’s all true: 



4. "Eight Months in LA County Jail." – Another book I was forced to call “fiction” under threats of being arrested, but it’s all true as well: 



5. “Letter to Christian Leaders and Evangelicals.” I was raised as a Christian and was very active in the Christian community as a young man. As an older man, I’m shocked at how many Christians and Christian leaders in today’s modern world have abandoned a life of integrity, sincerity, and authenticity, and have embraced a life akin to that of a spy – a life of manipulation, deceit, and duplicity. Without question, this trend represents one of the most dangerous and subtle attacks on Christendom in its 2,000-year history. This letter reflects my concerns:



6. "Killer Broadband" is a book about the CIA Checchi family "eye testing" program which takes place on computers and televisions. The CIA Checchi family cult leaders are collecting manipulated data to fabricate “evidence” that justifies the killing of innocent, gullible, naïve people. As the internet and broadband spread into the most remote, rural communities, it is vital that citizens understand what is going on. There are grave consequences for some people who flunk this “eye testing” program – which most people don’t even know exists.



7. Video (29 minutes): “American Civil Wars.” – November 11, 2022 

at this link to Vimeo: https://www.vimeo.com/770124101   

This writing is about the secret, modern day “American Civil Wars” which has been going on in America since the 1970s. This war has been raging between the CIA Checchi family and various secret societies. Millions of people worldwide have been killed. To read more about this war, read the document at this link:  



8. Video (33 minutes): "Except as a Punishment for Crime" contains information about how the CIA Checchi family legally enslaves millions of people into their evil cult. Millions of Americans (and people who have visited America from other countries) have been secretly recorded committing a crime, which qualifies them to be secretly enslaved. The 14th amendment in America’s constitution abolishes slavery in the United States – “except as a punishment for crime.” In the case of anyone who has committed a crime, slavery is legal in the United States – even for people from other countries, who only visited America. Please take the time to watch this video which I have uploaded to Vimeo at this link: https://vimeo.com/848103183?share=copy or at this link to my OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AszYNXg2gQYImDHR5KG17YMZBSyQ?e=525AMt     

Script for video is at this link:  



9. “List of Checchi Family Cult Murders” – May 17, 2022 



10. Letter to Governor Mills and Other Leaders - October 25, 2023 



11. "Supreme Court Testimony: CIA Checchi Cult Grooming Children" - May 2, 2022  



12. "CIA Checchi Family Exploiting and Abusing Students in America" - April 16, 2023 



13. "Letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts" - December 21, 2023 



14. "Letter to DC Bar Association, Investigation Request – Part One" – January 2, 2024 



15. "Letter to DC Bar Association, Investigation Request – Part Two" - January 4, 2024 



16. "Letter to Supreme Court Chief Justices" - January 8, 2024 



17. "Letter to CIA Leaders: CIA Checchi Family Drug Abuse" - February 17, 2024 



18. "Letters to Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines" – March 7-27, 2024 



19. "CIA Checchi Terrorist Cult Killing Judges & Attorneys Nationally" March 19, 2022: 




Dillon Woods is a multifaceted creative force, intertwining his roles as an author, independent journalist, artist, independent documentarian, and musician. His expansive collection of published works is a testament to his diverse storytelling abilities. His passion for exploring the intricacies of life and society is clear in his thought-provoking narratives. His dedication to unearthing unconventional truths and his unwavering commitment to crafting narratives that resonate with depth and meaning render his work undeniably captivating. His heart wrenching accounts of true-life experiences in America make his writing an important addition to America’s journalistic landscape, shedding light on poignant realities often overlooked or kept secret. Dillon's ability to articulate fresh and heartfelt stories about real-life experiences in America enriches and elevates the journalistic sphere. His writing serves as a crucial addition to America’s journalistic tapestry, offering a genuine and profound portrayal of the human experience – fostering empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection to the diverse fabric of the nation. Explore his work at www.CrisisJournalism.com/projects and www.amazon.com/author/dillonwoods.



Keep safe those who serve You, O God;  

in you we take refuge.   

Psalms 16:1